Come and See


As a Catholic school we have RE and the teachings of the Gospel at the core of the curriculum.  Our intent is to enable each child to grow in their personal relationship with God; to know that God created each and every one of us and that each of us has been made in the image and likeness of God. 

Our Religious Education lessons will help develop the knowledge, skills and understanding of Scripture as well as allowing the children to grow in spiritual awareness. 

As RE is the ‘core of the core’ subject in our curriculum, opportunities are explored and created so that each subject is underpinned with Gospel values. 

As well as developing a personal relationship with God, the children will also develop respect for others, contribute positively to society and help protect our world.


Our school follows the Come and See Programme for the teaching of RE from Nursery through to Year 6.  Come and See is progressive over the year groups and is based around three recurring themes:  Church, Sacraments and Christian Living.  Each topic within the themes has the same structure for teaching and learning:

  • Explore - Children are given opportunity to explore what they already know and understand themselves and share with others.
  • Reveal – Scripture is shared with the children and knowledge, skills and understanding are developed
  • Respond - children celebrate their new learning based on the Scripture from ‘reveal’.


Gospel values are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and not limited to the teaching of Religious Education.


We continually strive for excellence in all areas and continually monitor and assess all aspects of the teaching of Come and See (displays, assessed tasks, pupil voice, questionnaires, books, floor books etc). 

Through our Catholic teaching, we prepare the children for citizenship in today’s diverse society, both locally and globally.  We enable the children to develop care and compassion for themselves, each other and our global neighbours.  As a result, the children are fully living out our mission (Growing Together in God’s Love) and are equipped with the skills and knowledge to allow them to positively contribute to the community in which they live.

Through regular monitoring it is certain that the school is maintaining its distinctive Catholic nature. 

Please see the files section for an outline of the themes and topics covered across the school, an overview of the content in each year group and the big questions that we discuss and try to answer within each topic.

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Find Us

St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Rainford Rd,
Denton's Green,
Saint Helens
WA10 6BX

Let's Connect

SENDCo | Amanda Hitchen
School Business Manager | Lynn Range
Admin Assistant | Julie McDonagh-Smith