Early Help


Early Help is the term used to describe the approach taken for a whole range of individual needs when providing support to children: needs such as:

  • social
  • health
  • educational
  • personal
  • mental health

Families should have the support offered to them to have the right conversations with the right people/organisations at the right times about any particular need or concern before the need of escalation.

Intervention via Early Help can positively improve outcomes for children and their families.  It is a collaborative approach where local agencies work together effectively with families to identify areas of need and how best to meet them.




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Find Us

St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Rainford Rd,
Denton's Green,
Saint Helens
WA10 6BX

Let's Connect

SENDCo | Amanda Hitchen
School Business Manager | Lynn Range
Admin Assistant | Julie McDonagh-Smith