

We have excellent rates of attendance here at St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School.  It is vitally important that children attend school are on time.  


St. Thomas of Canterbury School uses a computerised registration system.  All attendance is forwarded to St. Helens Local Authority. 

We produce accurate and up to date weekly attendance figures which are closely monitored by the Head teacher, the office staff and the Local Authority. 

Our STAR team also meet every half term to discuss attendance and to consider early help/support/invite families in to school/home visits for those children whose attendance is causing concern and falling below an acceptable level.

Attendance at school is vital.  We advise that holidays are booked for school holiday periods to avoid your child missing out at school.


All absences through illness must be reported to school office no later than 10.00am on the first morning of absence, following this the absence must be supported by a letter from parents.

If any pupil is not in school by 10.00am with no explanation given, the family will be contacted by text or phone call.


Any hospital, dental, optician or any other health appointment must, where possible, be made out of school hours.  If an appointment must be made/taken up during the school day, school must be notified of the appointment beforehand so a note may be made on the register.



The school day is:

Nursery: Morning session: 8.45 - 11.45am  Afternoon session: 12.15 - 3.15pm

Early Years and Key Stage 1: 8.55am - 3.10pm

Key Stage 2:  8.55 - 3.15pm

It is important your child is in school before 8.55am as this is when the gates will be closed and registration takes place.

We would love to hear from you

Find Us

St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Rainford Rd,
Denton's Green,
Saint Helens
WA10 6BX

Let's Connect

SENDCo | Amanda Hitchen
School Business Manager | Lynn Range
Admin Assistant | Julie McDonagh-Smith