MIni Vinnies (SVP)

Welcome to our Mini Vinnies Team

We meet regularly, once or twice a week, usually during lunchtimes to discuss many ideas and projects we may have to help turn concern into action.

We are a lovely group who want to add to  life of our school and community and by doing so make a difference to people in our local area and globally.

Some of the things we do:

  • Plan Collective Worships for the whole school 
  • Organise prayer groups at special times of the year such as the Rosary during May
  • Work on scripture so that we can share the good news with our friends
  • Use the ‘Wednesday Word’ to help our friends and family share the good news with others
  • Come up with fund raising ideas to help those who are less fortunate
  • Sing for the Dementia Cafe 
  • Make Christmas cards for people in our community who may be experiencing loneliness
  • Reuse and recycle old Christmas cards to make new gift tags, cards etc.
  • Have some quiet time in the day to speak to God

And so much more...


Our Mission is to turn concern into action and we actively find ways to help other people who are struggling and need a helping hand.




We would love to hear from you

Find Us

St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Rainford Rd,
Denton's Green,
Saint Helens
WA10 6BX

Let's Connect

SENDCo | Amanda Hitchen
School Business Manager | Lynn Range
Admin Assistant | Julie McDonagh-Smith