Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Ganson

Welcome to Year 4!


Please find below some general information:

Ways to communicate with us:

Class Dojo:  This is particularly useful for urgent class messages or requests.  If you haven't registered already, please do set this up so that you are kept up to date about what is happening in Y4 and school generally.

Home/School communication book: This will be checked once a week by a member of staff on a specific day (your child will be notified of their day – this will be written in the book over the coming days). However, we have informed the children that they can hand the book in to an adult at any time if you have put any additional messages in it. (Please see below about also using this book to record reading done at home). This book does need to come into school each day as it also provides further useful information that will support your child.


You will find lots of other information in the files below and we will add to this throughout the year. Please see below for the Long-Term plan for the year  (this will be added in the coming days). In addition to this, you will find the Medium-Term plan for the Autumn term, which will give you insight into what the children are doing in each curriculum area.

General information:

PE days:

Tuesday and Thursday


Children are encouraged to drink plenty of water during the day.  Please ensure that they bring a suitable plastic water bottle to school daily.  These should be taken home each evening and refilled for the next day.  


Homework will mostly be done through Purple Mash and will be available on a Friday (I will send a message on a Thursday signposting you to the task). On some occasions, it may be a paper-based activity or sent via Dojo. Additional tasks, for example linked to RE, History, Art etc, may occasionally be set on a different day.

Reading: In addition to the homework set on Purple Mash, the children will be expected to read each night and fill in what they have read in the Home/School Communication book. Your child should record a minimum of twice weekly in the Home/School Communication book (include the name of the book and pages read). This will be checked by an adult on a specific day each week.

Spellings (to be given out and tested by Miss Hitchen) They will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday. Spelling activities will also be set on Purple Mash.

Times tables: All Year 4 children will sit a multiplication test set by the government in June. This is a key area of the maths curriculum that massively impacts the children in all areas of the subject. Regular practise of times tables will best support your child and help to prepare them for the Year 4 curriculum as well as the test. We will recommend some websites to help with this.

Please look out on Dojo and the school website for regular updates.


Useful websites:

Purple Mash

Timestables Games 

Reading Plus 

TT Rockstars

 BBC Bitesize 

Learning By Questions

Best Books for Year 4 | Ages 8-9 | The Reader Teacher


Best wishes

Mrs Ganson

We would love to hear from you

Find Us

St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Rainford Rd,
Denton's Green,
Saint Helens
WA10 6BX

Let's Connect

SENDCo | Amanda Hitchen
School Business Manager | Lynn Range
Admin Assistant | Julie McDonagh-Smith