Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Cain
Welcome to Y2!
The children have made a fantastic start to the new academic year and we are excited about the new topics ahead. Please see a timetable of our week:
- Books are changed on Mondays and Thursdays
- Please read each book three times to improve accuracy, fluency and understanding
- Books should be easy for the children to read
- Homework will be posted on the Purple Mash website on Tuesdays
- Maths topic is currently addition and subtraction
- Spellings will be delivered through the Read, Write, Inc programme in school - please practise 5 spellings from the book at home
There are just a few important days in the week to remember:
Wednesday and Thursday - PE days - please note that these dates may be subject to change due to hall organisation.
Monday and Thursday - the children will be given the opportunity to change their books - please keep books in the children's book bags so that they are ready to change them.
Our new book is 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. We will be reading this in class and thinking other books by the same author.
Book Trust (Recommended Reading)
ICT Games (Maths Games)
Usborne Books (Books and Activities)
Oxford Owl (Books to read at home)
Read, Write, Inc (Practise sounds and speed words)
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Cain