Reception 2024 - 2025

Miss Farrell

Welcome to Reception - Class of 2023/24


We would like to give a very warm welcome to our class page and hope it will be a useful source of information over the coming year.

In addition to this page, I will continue to upload information linked to your child's learning via your tapestry account but should you require any information that is not available on this page please feel free to speak to me on the door and should we need to discuss something in more depth, an appontment can be made.

In the files section you will find a curriculum map for each term to keep you updated with your child's learning. There will also be further information added as the year progresses.


Please let us know of any medical conditions that your child has. You will need to complete a medical form at the school office for any medicines that need to be administered in school. It is an important part of our safe guarding procedures that we are aware of any long-term medical conditions.

Book bags - need to be in school every day to enable the children to carry their belongings to and from school. Please don't send any other bags into school as storage space in the classroom is very limited and it can be difficult for small children to carry lots of bags and coats in and out of the classroom each day.

Snacks - Children will be provided with a breaktime snack each day but we are aware that some children like to bring their own into school, therefore could we please ask that they bring in a healthy option.

Early Years Framework

Autumn Term


As we embark on a new half-term we will be continuing our RED programme with a new topic - Celebrating. The children will be encouraged to talk about their own experiences and feelings about celebrations they have been a part of and how the celebrations were shared. We look forward to the children sharing these memories and experiences with their friends via tapestry.

Collective Worship -

Each day we take part in a daily act of worship, either as a whole school or within the class. Please see the files section for the prayers we practise in school as you may wish to share these with your little ones at home.Thank you in advance for your support and I look forward to the term ahead with our little superstars!

The Early Years Team


We would love to hear from you

Find Us

St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Rainford Rd,
Denton's Green,
Saint Helens
WA10 6BX

Let's Connect

SENDCo | Amanda Hitchen
School Business Manager | Lynn Range
Admin Assistant | Julie McDonagh-Smith